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Web design in Chicago.

Web Design in
To be successful, your business needs the best web designers Chicago has to offer, and you'll find them at NEWMEDIA.

These guys are young, aggressive, they listen, and they’ve executed. The communication has been wonderful. I’m very satisfied.”

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Chicago's Web Design Experts

Almost 100,000.

That’s how many companies call Chicago their home, and those businesses range in size from the little “mom and pop” store around the corner to multinational companies that have departments in the Windy City.

Organic keywords, rankings and traffic up over 500% in under 6 months!

Marketing Director

Fashion Ecommerce Store

Take your website to the next level with award-winning design.

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And do you know what else?

Most of those businesses have websites they’re using as part of their digital marketing strategies. Almost three-quarters (73%) of them, in fact, which means most of your competitors are already on the web and generating business from customers that don’t even know you exist.

That’s assuming you’re one of the 27% of businesses that don’t have a website, of course. If you do – great. You’ve taken the first step into a digital journey that could lead to tons of new customers. But the problem (whether you have a website or not) is that slapping together any old design won’t do. There are too many competitors out there and your visitors will sooner bounce from a slapdash website and into the arms of your competition than navigate a site that looks bad to their eyes.

The message?

You don’t just need a web design agency. You need the best web designers Chicago has to offer, and you’ll find them at NEWMEDIA.

Chicago SEO, website design, UX, digital development and marketing agency


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Web Design | SEO+Social Digital Marketing Agency

We can craft the perfect digital strategy to grow your business, and then execute it for you to generate massive scale. And we can move much faster than you would expect.



444 W Lake St., Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606

They’re incredibly professional and communicative. NEWMEDIA is definitely an expert in their field.

Molly Hall Dorais

Director of Enrollment
Colorado Rocky Mountain School

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What Does a Website Design Company
Do For My Business?

"Why do I need a professional website designer?"

It’s a good question to ask. And if the sheer volume of competition you face from Chicago’s digital frontrunners isn’t enough to convince you, here are five more reasons why engaging a Chicago web design company is good for your bottom line.

A Beautiful Website Catches the Eye (And Makes a Great First Impression)

Imagine that you’re going on a date.

You’re dressed to the nines and you’ve given yourself a spritz of your favorite fragrance. And why wouldn’t you? You want to make a great first impression to set the stage for the date. But when you turn up at the venue, you see your date clearly hasn’t made the same effort. They look slovenly, ungroomed, and like they don’t want to be there.

What do you do?

Unless that person has a really good excuse, you make your excuses and call time on the date early.

The message – first impressions matter.

Infographic displaying statistics on first impressions and their impact on judgments about website credibility and design.

These stats from Kinesis paint the full picture. Almost everybody (94% of people) who visits your website judge it by its looks before its content. If your web designer has done as slapdash a job of putting all of the elements of your site together as our metaphorical date did with their outfit, your site gets the same treatment you doled out – people make their excuses and leave.

Don’t make that an option for your visitors.

With the right Chicago web designers in your corner, you’ll make sure your site is always “first-date ready.”

Give Your Digital Marketing a Boost

Almost any web design agency out there (ours included) offers an array of digital marketing services to go along with its web design and development.

But here’s the secret – even the best digital marketing in the world won’t mean a thing if your site looks terrible.

Part of that comes down to the first impressions issue we mentioned earlier. You could have ads and organic search engine optimization (SEO) driving thousands of people to your website, and it won’t mean a thing if 94% of them take one look and bounce away. Website traffic from search engines means nothing if you’re not keeping the collective interest of your visitors.

But the bigger reason is more technical – a well-designed site is easy for search engines (and your visitors) to navigate.

Google’s judging you as much on how easy it is to browse your website as much as it’s judging the links, content, and every other ingredient that goes into the digital strategy soup. And that judgment extends in two ways.

One – Google won’t index a page if it can’t reach it, so your design has to provide a clear path.

Two – a bad navigational structure (this is where user interface and experience design comes in) is a sign to Google that you don’t care about your visitors enough to make using your website easy for them to use.

Create Trust With Your Visitors

Take a peek at the Kinesis stats shared earlier and you’ll see something other than the 94% stat – three-quarters of people make a snap judgment about your company’s credibility based on what they see on your website.

Credibility creates trust.

Without trust, you’re left with people who feel like they know enough about your brand to not buy from it. And if you don’t believe us, just check out these stats from Marketing Charts:

Bar graph showing the impact of trust on large purchase decisions, segmented by demographics like adults, women, and men.

Add all of this together and you find that 98% of all adults say trust matters to them at least “a little bit” when they’re making a big purchasing decision. For most (68%), it matters “a lot” or “a great deal.” Of course, trust comes from everything your business does, from its content to how it’s reported on in the news. But why allow poor web design to dictate the impression your visitors get about your credibility before they’ve discovered anything else about you?

Make Your Brand Identity Consistent Across Platforms

Building from the trust issue, we have your brand identity. Let’s look at another hypothetical. Your business sends out a ton of leaflets, all with a red color scheme that tells people what you do and directs them to visit your website. So, you get traffic. But your website uses a yellow color scheme instead of the red on the leaflets.

What just happened?

You’ve directed hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people to a site that looks nothing like what they were expecting, at least from a branding perspective. There’s an instant disconnect – red vs. yellow. And visitors end up scratching their heads and asking themselves if they’re on the right website. The result? You damage your credibility and put a question mark over a prospect’s ability to trust you.

It’s an all too common problem as well, as you’ll see from this Venngage stat:

Graph showing average bounce rate differences across various website categories such as eCommerce, B2B, and landing pages.

These average bounce rates from Backlinko should be the baseline that top web designers work toward. If your site isn’t doing better than these averages or, even worse, has an above-average bounce rate, you need web designers in Chicago known for building websites that keep people interested.

Hint – NEWMEDIA has those designers.

The Services Our Web Designers Offer

You can see why it pays to bring a professional agency on board to handle website design. NEWMEDIA is that agency and these are the services we offer:

WordPress Website Creation

WordPress is huge in the content management system (CMS) world. So huge, in fact, that a staggering 43.2% of all websites (that’s literally millions of sites) use it as their foundational content manager.

Yours might, too. WordPress is so easy to use and comes with templates that can get you up and running in no time. The problem – templates don’t lead to stunning websites. They result in sites that look the same as every other site using the blueprint, which is the last thing you want when trying to separate yourself from the competition.

NEWMEDIA’s WordPress development service solves that problem by planting custom designs on top of a CMS you already love.

Custom Web Design Solutions

Outdated design is one of the main reasons that people bounce away from websites:

Infographic showcasing the top reasons why visitors leave a website, including slow loading, non-responsive design, and bad navigation.

HubSpot’s data tells us all we need to know. Over a third of people (38.5%) are gone as soon as they see an old template being used, and almost nine out of ten bounce if that template takes ages to load.

Don’t let off-the-shelf websites from lazy web design companies be the reason you’re site leaks traffic. Trust NEWMEDIA (and our web designers) to create custom sites that match your branding and are bang up-to-date.

Graphic Design

You may not need every single one of the creative solutions a digital agency offers.

You have no use for social media marketing, and even your website looks solid enough for you to feel happy with it. But there’s something missing – quality graphic design.

A good website structure only takes you so far if you don’t have the graphics to go along with it. Logos. Images that don’t look like they were pulled from the cheapest stock image site going. Quality product pictures. They all go a long way to convincing customers that yours is the business for them, and NEWMEDIA’s graphic design team can handle it all – from small jobs to full-scale website designs.

Content Management System Creation

Maybe WordPress isn’t your thing. And neither is Wix, Squarespace, or the multitude of other CMS solutions you find. They don’t do what you need them to do.

So, you have two options.

You could join the 33.1% of website owners who don’t have a CMS at all. Congratulations! That means you get to spend untold numbers of hours playing around with HTML and trying to format each individual page you create so it looks at least somewhat presentable when it goes live.

Or, you could choose the second option – get a custom CMS.

NEWMEDIA is the web development company for you if you need a CMS built for you that can handle every unique aspect of your e-commerce website if you need sites for enterprise companies that want anything but “off-the-shelf.”

Web Design for Mobile Devices

We’re living in a mobile age, meaning most of the people who land on your website aren’t hunched over a laptop or desktop screen. They’re coming from mobile devices:

Oberlo’s stats show us just how much of an impact mobile devices have had on how we browse the web. From just 10.88% of people using their phone (or tablet) to browse in 2012, we’re up to 56.86% in 2023.

What does that tell you?

Over half of the people who visit your website (hint – these are the people who might buy from you) need to see a mobile-friendly design. Every misplaced image, warped design element, and broken piece of text is a reason for these people to bounce. So, you can’t get away with creating just a desktop website and calling it a day. You need a mobile site, too. Heck, you probably need a good mobile site more than you need your desktop website.

NEWMEDIA makes sure your site looks the part on screens of any size. And as a bonus – we do mobile app development as well.

Online Store Creation

Online shopping is big business:

Graph illustrating the growth in the number of digital buyers from 2020 to 2025, highlighting the increasing trend of online shopping.

That Oberlo chart shows us that 2.64 billion people around the world shop online (that’s about a third of the global population), so of course, you want a slice of that pie. But running a successful e-commerce website isn’t just about making the site (and its products) look pretty.

It’s about the behind-the-scenes work.

The CMS that lets you upload products within the framework of your design. The image requirements that ensure you don’t end up with a bloated site that takes an eternity to load (hint – people don’t like waiting around for sites to load). You need a reliable online store, both in terms of the storefront and what’s going on behind the store, and NEWMEDIA delivers both.

Landing Page Design

A landing page isn’t a website.

“Hold on,” you say. “It’s blatantly a website. It has its own URL and everything!”

That’s technically correct, but what we mean is that landing pages don’t serve the same purpose as your general business website. For the latter, you’re essentially creating a massive business card that tells people about you, educates them on what you offer, and, yes, provides them with a means to buy from you.

But selling isn’t necessarily the only priority with a business website.

It is for a landing page.

That’s why landing page design differs from general website design. With landing pages, your goal is simple – get people to convert. What that conversion looks like depends on the page – it could be a sale, an email address, or a million other things – but the key is that the design has to keep pushing people toward the next step you want them to take.

A digital marketing team that approaches landing pages like any other website is a team that doesn’t understand the purpose a landing page serves. NEWMEDIA isn’t that team.

UX Design and Development

How do people feel when they browse your website?

That’s the question we’re always asking when developing a user experience. Let’s look at an example. Somebody types in your URL because they’ve heard your Chicago business does good work. Then, they wait. And wait some more. The site’s taking an eternity to load, and that’s going to affect the user experience. If you don’t believe us, we’ll let these stats do the talking:

Infographic detailing web and UX design statistics on website cost, user patience for loading times, and mobile access trends.

Financesonline’s chart is clear – only 30% of people are willing to wait up to 10 seconds for a website to load before they call time and go somewhere else.

Page loading is just one aspect of creating a great user experience. Branding. Functionality. Design. It all combines into one big soup that is your website, and you need to balance all of the ingredients to make sure the soup tastes great.

NEWMEDIA are the chefs that know how to make the UX soup.

Responsive Web Design

“I get why I need a website that looks great on mobile as well as desktop, but do I really need to have two websites designed for my business?” you ask.

No, you don’t.

Responsive web design is about creating web designs that actively and directly respond to what the user’s doing. In short – these sites recognize what device (and even what browser) your visitor’s using so the site’s design changes to give them the best experience.

Here’s a little example.

Look at the navigation bar on a website you’ve visited via a desktop computer. You’ll usually see the bar across the top of the screen or running down the left, with the constant being that you see all of the options in the nav bar for you to click on. Now, check that website on a mobile device. If you see the same layout, you’re looking at a non-responsive website. But if you see that three-line symbol that denotes a menu, which you can tap to reveal options, you’re seeing responsive web design in action.

It’s about making your site look great on all devices without having to build an individual site for every device. And NEWMEDIA is an expert in making your websites responsive.

Web Development

There are two sides to the coin when building a website.

One of the sides is what we’ve talked about so far – web design. How your site looks. How it feels. The front end of the site that gets displayed to your visitors as soon as they type your URL or click a link in a search engine.

Then there’s the other side of the coin. The “behind the scenes” side. This side covers the coding, the databases, and all of the technical wizardry that needs to go on to ensure you have a website that works as smoothly as it looks.

You can’t have good web design without stellar web development to back it up.

NEWMEDIA does both.

Website Redesign

Take a look at your website. Now, take a look at these stats from Colorlib:

Chart listing common web design mistakes made by SMBs, such as crowded web design, no call-to-action, and hidden navigation.

That’s a list of the most common website design mistakes that companies make. If you take a look at your site after seeing that list and you notice that you’re making at least one of those mistakes, a redesign is in the cards.


Head right back to the start of the page and you’ll see we talk about making a great first impression. Well, that first impression has to carry through to the rest of the website. A crowded design makes it harder for people to find what they’re looking for. So, they leave. No calls to action make it impossible for the visitor to know what step to take if they’re actually interested in your services.

So. They leave!

NEWMEDIA’s web redesign services remix what you already have, get rid of the mistakes, and leave you with a site that’s primed for attracting customers.

They performed stellarly. We work very cohesively together, collaboratively, and with very substantial synergy. The amount of content and creative addition that we have since contracting with NEWMEDIA is second to none.

Randall T.


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Our Past Projects

Our Esteemed Clientele

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of clients of all sizes from a range of industries for website designing and redesigning projects. Some of our clients include:

Delta Sky Club

The new Delta Sky Club website portal, designed and developed from scratch by NEWMEDIA, allows Delta passengers who go online in any of their Sky Club lounges across the U.S. to quickly get news, weather & stock market information, in addition to tracking flights on any airline (not just Delta!), searching directly in Google, and getting maps and driving directions to/from any address on Earth.

California Almonds

NEWMEDIA Los Angeles, in collaboration with Sterling-Rice Group (SRG), built a new website for the Almond Board of California under an aggressive development timeline. We built a multi-language website for them while ensuring a consistent user experience by bringing all four existing websites into a single universal system. Our team of experts delivered this mammoth project even after the deadline was shortened by four weeks.

Six Flags

The Six Flags team reached out to NEWMEDIA for a complete website redesign and multi-site ecommerce web development. We redesigned the website to change its complete look and feel and organized content into categories and subcategories to simplify content discovery for visitors. Over the course of the project, we worked in close coordination with the Six Flags team to deliver the website quickly before their parks reopened.


PostNet approached us to completely redesign all their websites, including those of franchisees. We developed a fresh responsive website for them to offer a consistent browsing experience to visitors irrespective of the screen size of the device they use to access the website. Additionally, we developed a tool to help visitors find their nearest PostNet center. Finally, we designed the 300+ franchise websites for them with local SEO and franchise SEO.

YMCA (The Y)

YMCA (now “The Y”) is an organization that we’ve all heard of and/or been a part of at one time in our lives. YMCA of Metro Denver came to us for a fresh website design that would communicate their mission of being for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Even more exciting, they had just had a brand refresh and this was the chance to support that refresh with a complementary website.


When CBS Television was producing the show that came to be called Haystack Help, they needed a complex yet easy to use website application to direct the TV viewers to visit, and their search for a Denver website developer led them to NEWMEDIA. Initially, prior to contacting NEWMEDIA, they had selected another web development partner for the project. Then, there was a problem…


Work with the Leading Chicago SEO Company

Whether you have a small business that needs local SEO services or you’re a national company looking to break online ground in Chicago, NEWMEDIA can build the SEO campaign you need.

Here’s why we’re the best choice.

But don’t just take our word for it

Our Recognitions Speak for Themselves


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Digital Agency in the United States


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Global Leader Digital Agency.


ranked NEWMEDIA's work the #2 Global Award Winner (and they ranked Twitter #3).

​The Inc. 5000

ranks NEWMEDIA among its fastest-growing companies, 4 years in a row.
Don't be confused by the many imitators, with names that look and sound alike - there is only one, original NEWMEDIA.COM - helping clients grow their businesses since 1996.

A Proven Track Record

For over 20 years, NEWMEDIA has developed SEO strategies for clients of all sizes. And we have the awards to prove it. ranks us as the best digital marketing agency in Cicero, with UpCity putting us in the top 1% of SEO agencies in the entire country. Our track record speaks for itself. And we have over two decades of proven results that show we’re the best in the business at what we do.

We’ve Worked with Major Clients

Take one look at our client list, and you’ll see that we’re trusted Chicago SEO experts. We’ve worked with the following major brands:

  • CBS Television
  • The YMCA
  • Western Sugar
  • Bad Boy Brands

And we’ve gotten amazing results for all of them.

Guaranteed First Page Rankings

Our SEO company guarantees that we’ll get your business onto the first page of search results. We’re so confident in that guarantee that we’ll give you a 100% refund on every penny you spend with NEWMEDIA if your site doesn’t get to where you need it to be.

Turn your website into a revenue driver with our expert design and marketing services.

Get my custom website quote



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Connect with Us

Best of all - we're actually a Chicago web design agency.

In other words, we’re not some agency based in a far-flung state that you never get to visit or see in person.

And you can visit our offices whenever you want at the following address:

444 W Lake St., Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606

Don’t fancy an in-person visit? That’s fine, too, because you can call us at (312) 416-8466 or send an email to [email protected] to talk to one of our experts about web design and web development services.




444 W Lake St., Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606