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Web design in Dallas.

Web Design
Startup, small business, mid-market, or enterprise - Dallas businesses stand out among the competition with beautiful, professional web design that ranks, converts and sells.

“They’re a classy team and make me feel important and taken care of. I love them. I don’t have this kind of relationship with every firm. It’s been a great experience.”

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Stand Out With Effective Web Design

That’s right – your Dallas business is one of 65,000 companies that operate in Dallas. And those companies vary massively in size, from the tiny mom-and-pop operations up to multinationals that make this city their home.

The fact that you’re one in 65,000 makes the clear case for Dallas website design – you need to get ahead. The online battleground is where you can make your biggest mark, but you’re competing with a huge swathe of those 65,000 firms. Your website needs to be the best in your space (hint – it can be with the help of NEWMEDIA’s web designers) if you’re going to stand out in such a crowded and competitive business hub.

Organic keywords, rankings and traffic up over 500% in under 6 months!

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Web Design | SEO+Social Digital Marketing Agency

We can craft the perfect digital strategy to grow your business, and then execute it for you to generate massive scale. And we can move much faster than you would expect.

(214) 234-8110


Rosewood Court, Uptown 2101 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 1050, Dallas, TX 75201

They’re incredibly professional and communicative. NEWMEDIA is definitely an expert in their field.

Molly Hall Dorais

Director of Enrollment
Colorado Rocky Mountain School

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Let's Look At Some

Web Design Benefits

for your Dallas brand

Before we dig into what we do for our Dallas web design clients, let’s answer a big question – why do website designs even matter in the context of internet marketing?

It's All About the First Impression

You’ve heard the expression, “Never judge a book by its cover.”

It’s a lovely sentiment suggesting that looking beyond what you first see is the key to discovering what’s really special about a person. If only that sentiment applied to businesses. Unfortunately, it doesn’t, and we have the stats to prove it:

Overview infographic summarizing key stats on the importance of website design in forming first impressions within milliseconds.

Wordstream hits us with a lot of numbers there, but there are a few that tell you that most of your website’s visitors absolutely judge your “business book” by the cover it presents online. Let’s start with the headline stat – 94% of the first impression a visitor gets from your site is based on its design. If that design is bad (think cluttered design elements, poor appearance on mobile devices, and anything else that catches the eye in a negative way), you’ll fail to make the positive impact you need to entice people to read more.

“That’s okay,” you might think. “As long as I take the utmost care to show those potential customers what makes my business great beyond the website, I’ll get more customers. Right?” Unfortunately not.

Another stat, this time from Marketing Insider Group, highlights why – 94% of people immediately mistrust a website that has clear design issues. In other words, your target audience views your website as an online display of your company’s professionalism. Hit them with something that doesn’t look the part and they won’t dig further to create a deep understanding of your business.

They’ll just leave and find somebody they feel they can trust.

Increase Conversions

What do customers want to see when they land on your website?

The answer – an entire process that makes it easy for them to find what they want so they can take the next step with your company:

Pie chart showing that 76% of consumers prioritize ease of finding information in website design.

Business 2 Community outlines that need with these stats, showing us that you can build your online competitive advantage by ensuring you satisfy the 76% of people who just want you to make their lives easier.

Now, imagine your small business has a poorly-designed website.

A terrible navigation system means your visitor doesn’t know where to click. A cluttered design makes it worse because they don’t even know where to look. And the colors? They clash with each other, as well as with the colors you’ve used for your other marketing materials. What do you think a customer’s going to do when they see that it’s obvious no usability testing went into the creation of your website?

They’ll bounce, never to come back again. It doesn’t matter how much you invest in high-quality content, social media marketing, and search engine optimization. None of that leads to conversions if you don’t stay ahead in the web design game.

Solidify an Established Brand

We touched on branding earlier, specifically an issue with brand coherence that you may not consider – your marketing has to match.

Let’s say you pour your heart and soul into a web design project internally. The finished product looks decent enough. It tells people what you do and you’re proud of your team for making it. But there’s a problem – the site doesn’t match the branding or creative guidelines you’ve developed for your other marketing materials.

Don’t think that’s a big deal?

Imagine what happens when somebody lands on your website after seeing your mismatched print marketing. They’ll take one look and see that nothing matches what they expected to see, which creates instant distrust in your brand. And that loss of trust means the visitor’s going to wave bye-bye:

Bar chart showing the impact of trust on a large purchase decision, with varying degrees of influence based on trust.

Business 2 Community helps out again with a chart that shows how powerful trust can be in somebody’s buying decision. To summarize, 98% of people say trust in a brand matters to them at least “a little bit” before they buy. With the right web design firm in your corner, you create trust by solidifying your brand and keeping your designs coherent across all media.

Compete with Local Businesses

Type the words “electrician in Dallas” into Google, and you should see something like the following pop up:

Infographic highlighting statistics related to search engine optimization.

Take a glance below the search bar and you’ll see it – 11.6 million results for this local search term. Now, this doesn’t mean there are over 11 million electricians in Dallas (about 1.3 million people live in the city), but it does show you something important – your website has to stand out to compete against other local businesses.

Let’s break that 11.6 million results down.

You’re going to see the websites that electricians in Dallas have created, as well as sites made by companies that aren’t located in Dallas but serve the city. Then, there are the directory sites – think Yelp and its ilk – that exist to help people find electricians. Add to that the internal pages Google indexes and you’ll see just why it’s so hard for your business reach to expand in search results.

Designing new websites doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to rocket up those search results.

But what it does mean is that you create a foundation on which to build your other digital marketing efforts, from email marketing to social media management. Plus, the right design means your electrician’s website (or whatever type of business you operate) stands out in the face of millions of pages of competition.

Move Into Today's Digital Age

“I don’t need web design or digital marketing,” you tell us. “I bet my competitors don’t even have websites.”

Are you sure?

Pie chart showing 73% of small businesses have websites, 23.5% plan to, and 3.5% do not have websites.

This chart from Zippia shows us that 73% of small and medium-sized businesses have their own websites, which means about three-quarters of your competitors are using the web to get new leads.

“Fine, I get that a lot of companies have websites,” you say. “But I still don’t think I need one because I can get plenty of clients from referrals and other marketing.”

You’re right – you can. But if you have big dreams of transforming your small business into a major player, having a website is essential for a simple reason:

A lot of people look at websites as part of their decision-making process:

Infographic depicting consumer purchase behaviors, including online search, visiting company websites, visiting physical stores, and speaking with friends or family.

WPForms gives us the details.

Almost half of people (47%) will check your website before they even think about buying from you. That’s 21% more than those who’ll visit your store (assuming you have one) and 24% more than those who speak with their friends or family to get recommendations.

The message is simple – referrals are great, but you’re missing out on a huge chunk of curious customers if you don’t have a website for them to visit.


Web Design Services

More conversions

Availability, more conversions, and a much better first impression (which is essential for building trust) – that’s a distillation of the main reasons for getting a website designed to its essence. But now you’re probably wondering what NEWMEDIA can do to get you online.

Allow us to explain:

New Website Design Services

You read earlier that 73% of small businesses have websites, which leads to the natural conclusion that 27% of them don’t.

This is the service for that 27% of businesses.

NEWMEDIA can take your company, which has never had a website before, and guide you through the process of creating one. We’ll explain the technology, draft the design, and develop the site so that you have something that leaves a spectacular first impression and actually works when your visitors try to navigate the site and place inquiries with your business.

Website Redesigns

Maybe you already have a website for your Dallas business.

Great! You’re at least ahead of 27% of the pack who don’t have a site. But now the question is simple – is that site presenting the professional image you want to present to its visitors? If you had the site made even just a few years ago, the odds are that it’s outdated enough to leave a bad taste in your visitors’ mouths. And that’s a bad position to be in because over 80% of people think less of your business if your site is outdated.

So, think of this service as the fresh lick of paint that brings a tired old house back to life. NEWMEDIA conducts a site analysis, identifies the elements that aren’t working, and redesigns it all to bring your site up to date while keeping the spirit of what made your old website great.

Web Development

Imagine that you’re building a house. You’ve consulted an architect and come up with an amazing blueprint. But that blueprint doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t have the bricks and mortar to take it from a static image into an actual building in which you can live.

That, in a nutshell, describes the relationship between web design and web development. The design is your blueprint – how the website looks and feels for the user. Development is all about making that blueprint into something real. It covers the coding that lies behind your website and makes it functional, as well as interactive elements (such as website forms) that you want your visitors to use. NEWMEDIA gives you a website blueprint and supplies the team needed to build your digital “house.”

Responsive Design

More people use mobile devices to access websites than they do desktop devices, and if your site doesn’t present well on those devices, you’re going to lose customers:

Graphic comparing user behavior, showing 67% are more likely to buy on a mobile-friendly site, while 61% will leave if the site is not mobile-friendly.

Search Engine Watch’s stats are illuminating. A shocking 61% of people say they’ll move on fast if they don’t see what they need from a site they reach via mobile, with 67% saying they’re more likely to buy from you if your site displays well on their device.

That’s where responsive design comes in – it ensures your website looks the part no matter how somebody chooses to access it.

Content Management System Implementation

You don’t want to have to go back to your development team every time you want to make a change to your website. You’re only adding new content – you shouldn’t have to pay somebody to do it or learn to code to make it happen.

Content management systems (CMSs) take coding out of the equation by giving you a text editor through which you can create and edit new pages. NEWMEDIA helps you to access some of the most popular CMS suites around. And if you need something built that’s customized specifically to your Dallas business, we can do that, too.

Website Content Writing

Have you ever received a postcard with nothing written on it?

You can admire the pretty picture for what it is, but with no context from its content, the postcard is just that – a pretty picture.

The same applies to your website if it doesn’t have any content. As attractive as the imagery and design may be, visitors still rely on the words written on your pages to tell them what problems you solve and what they need to do next.

That all sounds obvious, but there’s a challenge in content writing that you may not anticipate – any old content won’t do. You need high-quality content, written with SEO and your readers in mind, to complement the effort that goes into your design. NEWMEDIA are search engine optimization masters. And with that comes a deep understanding of content writing and what it takes to convince your visitors that yours is the company for them.

Existing Website Audit

Here’s a worrying stat:

Pie chart illustrating that 90.63% of web pages receive no organic search traffic from Google, with other segments showing 1-10, 11-100, 101-1,000, and 1,001+ visits.

Over 90% of the webpages that exist currently get no traffic from Google’s search engine according to this study of over a billion pages.

Why is that?

We can talk about bad SEO (and the good SEO that drives sites up results) for days, but the main reason is that most website owners simply don’t know enough about what they’re doing wrong with their sites. And because they don’t know, they don’t invest in web design or online marketing – at least not in the ways that they should – resulting in no traffic from Google.

You want to know what’s going wrong (and what you’re doing well) with your site. NEWMEDIA’s free website audit tool shows you and helps you to see in which direction your new website design needs to go.

Graphic and Logo Design

Evolution of the Starbucks logo from 1971 to the present, showcasing changes in the twin-tailed siren design.

What do you see here?

If you’re like us, you see the company started with a logo that doesn’t say a thing about coffee. Then, it transitioned into a pair of logos that make its name the highlight of the show before moving back to a logo that’s simply an image that you instantly recognize.

But most importantly, you see one thing – Starbucks changes its logo to match the current sentiment.

Imagine if they were using that almost mythical logo from 1971 today. It wouldn’t work because it would seem outdated to 21st-century sensibilities. Starbucks recognized this and redesigned its logo (multiple times) to find something that works.

The message – your logo matters.

And with NEWMEDIA, you get a team of designers that can create great logos to further your branding, alongside any other small graphical designs your business needs.

E-Commerce Website Design

An e-commerce website design differs from a standard business website in one massive way – you’re giving people a chance to buy your products there and then rather than directing them to talk to or visit you.

With that difference comes tons of stuff your website design needs to handle. New products? You’ve got to have a way to upload them. Taking payments? You need to make that process secure and design forms that allow your customers to pay quickly. NEWMEDIA handles all of that for you with our e-commerce website design services. We don’t just design the site. We handle the development side, too, leaving you with a site that perfectly advertises your products while making it easy for you to chop and change as your product line evolves.

Landing Page Design

A landing page isn’t a business website.

That may seem like a strange statement given that landing pages are blatantly websites in the technical sense. They have URLs, and they’re built in the same way as any other website you buy.

But what we mean here is that landing pages serve a different purpose to a business page – a purpose that’s far more specific.

With a business site, you’re basically telling visitors who you are, sharing information, and giving them a way to contact you if they want to go forward. Landing pages are all about conversions. They’re usually linked to paid ads that you’ve commissioned to attract people who usually have higher buying intent than those who land on your business site.

A change in intent means a change in design.

Landing pages need to keep people interested with snappy copy and, more importantly, feature designs that funnel people toward the action you want them to take. NEWMEDIA’s landing page design service ensures you get pages that are perfect for your next paid ad campaign (and we can run the paid ads, too).

Master Search Engines with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If a website exists without search engine optimization, does anybody know that it really exists?

Perhaps some people do, but certainly, not as many as you could be reaching if you did SEO properly:

Donut chart showing the sources of website traffic, with 53% from organic search, 27% from other sources, 15% from paid ads, and 5% from social organic.

MonsterInsights stat lays it out clearly – 53% of the traffic a website gets comes from organic search. That’s almost double what it gets from social media marketing, and over triple what paid ads deliver.

The point is simple:

You could have the most stunning website in the world, but you need to drive people toward it (and make it visible when they search for what you do) for that gorgeous design to matter. NEWMEDIA are SEO experts who help you to shout about your new site’s existence from every virtual rooftop around.

They performed stellarly. We work very cohesively together, collaboratively, and with very substantial synergy. The amount of content and creative addition that we have since contracting with NEWMEDIA is second to none.

Randall T.


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The Web Design Experts

- Your Full Service Partner

There you have it – 11 web design and development services (and that doesn’t even cover everything that NEWMEDIA can do). All that’s left is to answer the last question you need to ask – why choose NEWMEDIA ahead of any other Dallas web design agency?

We're in the Top 1% of Digital Marketing

In 2022, UpCity named NEWMEDIA in the top 1% of all digital marketing agencies in the United States. And they’re not the only ones – Clutch did the same because we build digital marketing campaigns (starting with stunning website design) that attract customers to Dallas businesses.

We’re 1%ers. And with us, your website becomes a 1%er in design and exposure, too.

We Work with Major Brands on Their Brand Identities

What do the YMCA, CBS Television, and Six Flags all have in common?

NEWMEDIA! We’ve created websites and run online branding and marketing campaigns for some of the biggest names in the business. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that means we can’t help you if you have a small business. No matter the size of the company, NEWMEDIA delivers world-class design.

We'll Help You Reach Your Business Goals

Do you want to get more conversions through your website? NEWMEDIA makes that happen. What about bringing that site up to date so it advances your brand-building efforts? We make that happen, too. No matter what your business goals may be, NEWMEDIA makes an effort to understand them so we can build websites that meet them.

We're Based in Dallas, TX

The last thing you want is to bring in a web design company only to find that you have to travel halfway across the country just to get some facetime with the people building your website.

So, NEWMEDIA makes it simple – we’re based in Dallas. You can visit us anytime by heading to our office at the following address: Rosewood Court, Uptown 2101 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 1050 Dallas, TX 75201 And if you’re not ready for a face-to-face meeting yet, then don’t worry – you can call or email us too. Get in touch by shooting a message to [email protected] or calling (212) 234-8110. We’re ready and waiting to handle your web design needs.

Our Past Projects

Our Esteemed Clientele

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of clients of all sizes from a range of industries for website designing and redesigning projects. Some of our clients include:

Delta Sky Club

The new Delta Sky Club website portal, designed and developed from scratch by NEWMEDIA, allows Delta passengers who go online in any of their Sky Club lounges across the U.S. to quickly get news, weather & stock market information, in addition to tracking flights on any airline (not just Delta!), searching directly in Google, and getting maps and driving directions to/from any address on Earth.

California Almonds

NEWMEDIA Los Angeles, in collaboration with Sterling-Rice Group (SRG), built a new website for the Almond Board of California under an aggressive development timeline. We built a multi-language website for them while ensuring a consistent user experience by bringing all four existing websites into a single universal system. Our team of experts delivered this mammoth project even after the deadline was shortened by four weeks.

Six Flags

The Six Flags team reached out to NEWMEDIA for a complete website redesign and multi-site ecommerce web development. We redesigned the website to change its complete look and feel and organized content into categories and subcategories to simplify content discovery for visitors. Over the course of the project, we worked in close coordination with the Six Flags team to deliver the website quickly before their parks reopened.


PostNet approached us to completely redesign all their websites, including those of franchisees. We developed a fresh responsive website for them to offer a consistent browsing experience to visitors irrespective of the screen size of the device they use to access the website. Additionally, we developed a tool to help visitors find their nearest PostNet center. Finally, we designed the 300+ franchise websites for them with local SEO and franchise SEO.

YMCA (The Y)

YMCA (now “The Y”) is an organization that we’ve all heard of and/or been a part of at one time in our lives. YMCA of Metro Denver came to us for a fresh website design that would communicate their mission of being for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Even more exciting, they had just had a brand refresh and this was the chance to support that refresh with a complementary website.


When CBS Television was producing the show that came to be called Haystack Help, they needed a complex yet easy to use website application to direct the TV viewers to visit, and their search for a Denver website developer led them to NEWMEDIA. Initially, prior to contacting NEWMEDIA, they had selected another web development partner for the project. Then, there was a problem…


Dominate the Web With a Full-Service Digital Agency

We want to tell you a little secret.

Those seven services our digital marketing agency offers are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we can do for your Dallas business. We do so much more, whether that’s coming up with a marketing strategy, handling your media planning (with plenty of good content for press releases), or conducting market research for your business. We even offer mobile app development services.

We do it all. And we do it well.

But don’t just take our word for it

Our Recognitions Speak for Themselves


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Digital Agency in the United States


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Global Leader Digital Agency.

says we're the leading providers of digital marketing services in all of Dallas, TX.

​The Inc. 5000

ranks NEWMEDIA among its fastest-growing companies, 4 years in a row.
Don't be confused by the many imitators, with names that look and sound alike - there is only one, original NEWMEDIA.COM - helping clients grow their businesses since 1996.

Give us a call today or visit us online, at NEWMEDIA.COM. Better yet, we invite you to come and meet with us for a no-obligation consultation about your project. While it’s certainly not mandatory, we believe that the one of the best ways to determine how well we can work with you as your partner is by meeting with us in person. We’ve also got guaranteed PPC and social media marketing plans. We’re being honest, really! In a nutshell, you can rely on us for all things digital, from web design to marketing.

Our expert team has designed, developed, deployed, hosted, marketed and managed 4000+ social media accountsPPC and SEO campaignswebsitesmobile apps and software applications for clients of all shapes and sizes, including small- and medium-sized businessesEnterprise organizations, State and Federal government, leading universities, international corporations, major brand name advertising agencies, local and global non-profits, and start-ups of practically every description.

Turn your website into a revenue driver with our expert design and marketing services.

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Connect with Us

We're Based in Dallas, TX

The last thing you want is to bring in a web design company only to find that you have to travel halfway across the country just to get some facetime with the people building your website.

So, NEWMEDIA makes it simple – we’re based in Dallas. You can visit us anytime by heading to our office at the following address: Rosewood Court, Uptown 2101 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 1050, Dallas, TX 75201

And if you’re not ready for a face-to-face meeting yet, then don’t worry – you can call or email us too. Get in touch by shooting a message to [email protected] or calling (212) 234-8110. We’re ready and waiting to handle your web design needs.


(214) 234-8110


Rosewood Court, Uptown 2101 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 1050, Dallas, TX 75201