Ecommerce PPC management.

Ecommerce PPC
Now, more than ever, effective online advertising is essential to growing your sales. As more companies enter the space, you need to work harder to get your business to the top of search engine results pages.

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Over the last decade, ecommerce as an industry has grown exponentially. As this chart shows us, global ecommerce sales have grown from $1,336 billion in 2014 to a projected $7,391 billion in 2025:
Bar chart showing the growth of global retail e-commerce sales from 2014 to 2025 in billions of U.S. dollars, with a steady increase over the years.
That difficult climb to the top of search engine results pages (SERPS) is even harder thanks to what Google’s doing with its algorithm. Take the penalties for building links and copying content, add a dash of AI detection, and you have a recipe for a website that gets seen by no one.
Online advertising isn’t the cure.
But it’s something that can help put eyes on your pages when organic isn’t going your way. Your digital marketing strategy simply can’t focus on one piece of the search puzzle anymore. Only a combination of ads with organic, social, and everything else will make a website “good” in Google’s eyes and land you sales.
Pay-per-click (PPC) ads get you in front of new people. It’s that simple. Where organic methods fail, PPC steps in. And when you’re killing it with the organic side of things, PPC helps you hammer home your flag at the top of the search mountain. Ecommerce PPC campaigns are especially important.
It’s harder to compete in SERPs with a product page than it is with any other type of page. There’s only so much unique stuff you can write. Combine that with the features and tech information, which is pretty standard across pages, and it’s so hard to get ahead.
By supplementing your organic campaign with PPC, you put your products in a position for profit. But you need to know the basics first. What is ecommerce PPC management? Why should your ecommerce business even think about it? And what can an agency like NEWMEDIA do to create campaigns that increase conversions?

What is Ecommerce PPC Management?

Have you ever run a search in Google only to run into a result that looks something like this:

Screenshot of a Google search result for 'fitness coach' with a highlighted Google Ad at the top.

That’s what a Google Ad looks like. You know them. You’ve seen them. They’re the most common types of paid ads on the web.

The concept is as simple as can be.

A marketer says to themselves, “I want my page to rank for ‘red Nike sneakers’”. So, they create an ad campaign. Our hypothetical marketer writes some copy and attaches a few keywords to the ad. The marketer sets their bid, which is the top amount they’re willing to pay to get the ad on the first page. A few related terms later and the ad is ready to go.

That’s the theory.

In practice, it’s a whole lot harder. The first keyword you think of isn’t necessarily the best for your campaign. As for all the related keywords, each one could drain money out of your bank account, especially if the ad you serve doesn’t match a searcher’s intent.

That flaw in the practical side of things is why ecommerce PPC management is vital. Without it, you can get lost in a sea of keywords, spending more than you need to on keywords that don’t generate results. But get it right and PPC becomes one of the best revenue drivers in your marketing campaign.

What Role Does an Ecommerce PPC Management Agency Play?

“Fine,” you think to yourself. “I get how PPC works. But what is this ecommerce management malarkey you’re talking about?”

It’s a good question. PPC seems pretty simple on the surface. Create ads. Attach keywords. Pay money. Profit.

The last bit trips people up the most. You could have a great landing page, but an irrelevant ad stops people from clicking through. Your ad copy may thrill a reader until they hit the landing page and see copy that doesn’t matter to them.

Sometimes, you throw good money after bad chasing keywords that will never get you anywhere.

It’s technical stuff. To demonstrate, let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at a Google Ads account dashboard:

Screenshot of a Google Ads account dashboard showing various campaign statistics and performance metrics.
It looks pretty complicated, right?
And it only gets more complicated from there as you start delving into all of the data related to keywords, impressions, and ad creation that these platforms provide. Tech matters in the creation of a successful ecommerce PPC strategy. You need to know the ins and outs of the platforms you use to create ecommerce ads. But you’re a business owner. Learning takes the most valuable resource you have – time.
You don’t have enough of that particular resource to spare. So, what should ecommerce businesses do?
Hire an ecommerce PPC management agency.
An ecommerce PPC agency handles the complicated stuff for you. You can take all of the learning about keywords, ads, and landing pages off your plate and put it onto theirs. They don’t need to spend time learning.
They already have the expertise to get your ad groups in front of your target audience. They handle the strategy. They streamline the teaching. And they make your PPC campaigns profitable so you can focus on the important business of running your ecommerce company.
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The Types of Ecommerce PPC Advertising

So far, we’ve touched on one of the major ecommerce PPC platforms in Google Ads. But Google Ads is far from your only option when it comes to PPC. Let’s look at a few more that you can build into your paid marketing strategy.

Google Ads

When a business takes its first few tentative steps into the world of ecommerce PPC management, a Google Ads account is usually where they start.
Google came up with the clever idea of having ads appear directly in search results. That’s why you often see ads at the top and bottom of a search results page. Many of these ads appear first, taking attention away from the top pages in organic results.
You can take advantage of this by using Google Ads as a shortcut to the top of SERPs. But you can only do that if you have the know-how to build an effective campaign that backs your ads.
How effective are Google Ads? This chart from the Wordstream team shows us that Google search ads achieve an average 4.4% conversion rate, with ads on Google’s display ad network hitting 0.57%:
Chart showing average conversion rates for different industries on Google Ads, with the highest rate in finance at 7.19%.

The same resource reveals some interesting statistics about Google Ads. For example, 63% of people who use Google have clicked on Google Ads at some point. Wordstream also tells us the right PPC advertising can generate twice as many customers for your online store than organic search.

Does this mean that PPC is better than organic search?

Not always. In most cases, a combination of the two gets much better results than focusing on one or the other. The experts at our ecommerce PPC agency can help you integrate a Google Ads strategy into your overarching search marketing campaigns.

Google Shopping

As great as Google Ads may be, it has one issue:

It’s not built specifically for your business. Any website can create a Google Ads campaign, meaning your online store doesn’t have the facilities it needs to truly showcase its products.

Enter Google Shopping ads.

Think of Google Shopping as the ecommerce-focused part of Google’s PPC ad network. Google Shopping ads let you showcase your products in a more attractive way by incorporating images and allowing you to deliver pricing information directly to the customer.

Take a look at this example from Neil Patel:

Google search results page showing shopping ads for Air Jordan sneakers at the top, highlighted in a pink box.

Note the use of images and direct links to products. Google Shopping ads are great for targeting customers who are ready to buy. These PPC campaigns get specific products in front of customers when they use search terms related to those products.

Google Shopping PPC campaigns are effective too. EMOTIV, manufacturers of Brainwear- branded products, discovered that when they worked with a PPC agency to create Google Shopping campaigns. As this chart shows, they generated a tremendous return on investment from their Shopping marketing spend:

Google Shopping PPC campaigns are effective too. EMOTIV, who are the manufacturers of Brainwear-branded products, discovered that when they worked with a PPC agency to create Google shopping campaigns. As this chart shows, they generated a tremendous return on investment from their Shopping marketing spend:

Bar chart showing the ad spend cost and return on investment (ROI) of PPC campaigns over several months.

Overall, the company enjoyed a 447% ROI increase when it incorporated Google Shopping into its digital marketing campaign.

At NEWMEDIA, our team of ecommerce PPC experts can help you to manage your Google Shopping ad spend to ensure you get as many customers as possible.


In a perfect world, everybody who reaches one of your ecommerce website’s product or landing pages will make a purchase there and then.

But we don’t live in a perfect world.

So many potential customers bounce away from ecommerce websites without buying anything. As this chart shows, 97% of shoppers have abandoned their shopping carts because making the purchase was inconvenient to them:

Infographic showing factors that matter most to shoppers and highlighting that 97% have backed out of a purchase due to inconvenience.

What can ecommerce businesses do about customers who bounce away from their websites?

The good news is that these potential buyers aren’t lost forever. Many ecommerce PPC platforms offer remarketing tools that help you get your products back in front of people who’ve bounced away from your website.

When a customer visits your website, your site places a tracking cookie in their browser. This cookie allows your PPC account manager to target bounced customers with ads, including banner ads, that bring them back to your ecommerce website.

Remarketing and retargeting customers boosts engagement and sales as this chart shows:

Infographic showing that retargeting can increase ad engagement by 400% and boost sales by 50% when combined with another marketing channel.

You strengthen your brand’s online presence while staying in front of people who are already thinking about buying from your website.

Microsoft Advertising

Many people underestimate Microsoft Advertising in their advertising strategy. Formerly known as Bing Ads, the service works in the same way as Google Adwords. You conduct keyword research and create ads that display when a user searches those keywords. Those ads pull people toward your ecommerce platform, leading to more sales.

The problem is that Microsoft Bing is nowhere near as popular as Google:

Pie chart showing search engine market share in Q2 2019, with Google having the largest share.

Since that’s the case, why would a marketing manager incorporate Microsoft Advertising into their marketing budgets using Bing ads?

There are several reasons.

As Bing isn’t as popular as Google, you face less competition from other ecommerce businesses. As a result, you can lower your PPC costs by leveraging Microsoft’s ad network strategically.

Beyond smaller costs per click lowering your monthly ad spend, Microsoft’s ad service gives you access to the ad network of several other search engines, including MSN and Yahoo. With the help of the right ecommerce PPC advertising team, you can use Bing to reach customers you wouldn’t reach with Google.

Facebook Ads

Social media is one of the most powerful platforms to leverage when promoting your online store. And when it comes to ecommerce PPC, there are few platforms bigger than Facebook.

These statistics from HubSpot tell you everything you need to know about why Facebook ads should be part of your digital marketing strategy:

Infographic showing Facebook advertising audience overview for January 2021.
Facebook allows you to create text, image, and video ads, all of which a good PPC agency can use to build engagement and generate sales. And with the potential to reach over 2.18 billion people, Facebook ads offer you a way to increase your audience away from having to rely on traditional search.
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The Benefits of Ecommerce PPC Management

With that, you know what ecommerce PPC is and how your ecommerce business may be able to implement PPC ads into its digital marketing strategy.

Now, we come to the big question: Why?

Why should your company work with a PPC management agency to create online advertising?

The simple answer is that there are a ton of benefits of PPC marketing, which we’re going to explain here.

Benefit No. 1

Increasing Revenue

We saw some interesting things happen in PPC advertising in 2022. Specifically, the amount of money an online store has to pay for a PPC click increased dramatically. At all points during 2022, advertisers had to pay more per click than they did at any point in 2020 or 2021:

Line graph showing the cost-per-click (CPC) increase over three years, from 2019 to 2022, with three lines representing different years. A general upward trend is visible in the CPC values.

This is a worrying chart for an ecommerce business that’s trying to keep its ad spend low while still leveraging everything that a PPC campaign has to offer. Without the help of a PPC management agency, you might find that your marketing budget gets swallowed up by ever- increasing costs.

At NEWMEDIA, we can adapt PPC campaigns to evolve along with market changes. Our ecommerce PPC agency understands how to manage your ad spend to account for increasing costs. Plus, our team conducts keyword research to ensure your online store targets high- volume keywords that don’t have huge costs per click attached to them.
Simply put, NEWMEDIA helps you to generate more revenue from your ad spend. Regardless of the PPC platform you use, we ensure your ads reach potential customers and that your pay-per-click campaigns generate as much revenue as possible.
Benefit No. 2

Saving Time

Creating an average PPC campaign takes a lot of time. Creating an exceptional campaign that generates fantastic results takes even longer.

A lot of work goes into the PPC campaign creation and management processes.

Let’s start with campaign creation. These are just some of the steps your account manager is likely to complete when creating your campaign:

  • Learning about the platform that you’re going to use. After all, you can’t make PPC work if you don’t know how to even create a campaign.
  • Extensive keyword analysis that requires you to pull data from Google Analytics, your PPC tools, and any other resource you have.
  • Ad creation, which requires quality copywriting and the ability to create ads with high relevancy to keep your costs low.
  • Segmenting individual ads into ad groups that target specific customers and markets.
  • Launching your ad campaign.

That’s already weeks, if not months, of work that will pull your focus away from the things you need to do to grow your ecommerce business.

Then, there’s the management side of things to consider. And therein lies a significant problem as this simple stat demonstrates:

Infographic from TotalSEO stating 72% of companies haven't looked at ad campaigns in a month, illustrated with a speech bubble and icons of people.

Monitoring an ongoing PPC campaign takes a lot of time. That’s why so many businesses that run their own PPC campaigns don’t do it. You need to track every ad you create and follow through on your clicks to see which convert into sales and which end in a customer bouncing. There’s so much data to absorb. But you need to keep track so you can tweak your PPC advertising to ensure it generates revenue.

Working with NEWMEDIA takes this time-consuming task off your plate. We provide you with a team and a dedicated account manager as part of our ecommerce PPC management services. Simply put, we do the heavy work for your ecommerce PPC campaign so you can spend more of your time on business-critical tasks.

Benefit No. 3

More Qualified Traffic

Targeting the right types of customers is one of the biggest challenges of ecommerce PPC management.
For example, let’s assume you’ve created a PPC campaign that generates 1,000 clicks. From those 1,000 clicks, you get 100 inquiries. That’s a solid result. It means you have a 10% conversion rate. However, the quality of those inquiries is just as important as the quantity. Suppose you’re not targeting qualified customers with your PPC advertising. In that case, you spend money on leads that never buy from your business.
A qualified customer matches the target audience and demographic that typically buys your product. It’s somebody more likely to buy because your product confronts one of their pain points, and they trust your company to provide a solution.
Unfortunately, many online businesses need help to properly qualify their customers. In fact, this chart shows that 44% of companies identify qualifying leads as one of the most challenging aspects of their sales processes:
Bar chart showing that 80% of teams find prospecting the most challenging part of the sales process, followed by qualifying leads at 44%.

With PPC management from NEWMEDIA, you ensure your ads specifically target potential customers who are likely to buy from your online store. As a result, you waste less of your ad spend on clicks that were never going to result in sales.

Benefit No. 4

Increase Brand Awareness for Your Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce PPC does far more than ensure your store lands near the top of search engine results pages. It also helps to keep your brand at the top of mind of your customers. In other words, good ecommerce PPC management services ensure your target customers think about your business whenever they need to buy your services.

Data from the digital marketing strategy website Smart Insights backs this up. According to their research, PPC ads improve top-of-mind brand awareness by over 6%:

Infographic showing the impact of search ads on lifting brand awareness across different industries.

Every stage of the PPC process improves brand awareness. Whenever a customer sees your ad, they think of your brand. If they click the ad to come to your landing page, they learn more about what your company does. Every retargeted ad you send to customers who bounce from your website serves to reinforce your brand in the customer’s mind.

Benefit No. 5

Dedicated PPC Specialists Who Can Create a Scalable Strategy

You may have a small business that doesn’t require a complex ecommerce PPC ad campaign. You only have the budget to create a few ads, and you have the time to stay on top of tracking and maintaining the campaign.
In that case, hiring an ecommerce PPC management agency is a costly idea. Why do it when you can handle your campaigns on your own? We can think of three reasons.
First, working with such an agency gives you access to pay-per-click specialists. NEWMEDIA gives you a dedicated account manager, along with ensuring you can always speak to an expert if you need clarification about any aspect of PPC.
Second, there’s the time issue we discussed earlier. Even a small ecommerce business owner has to dedicate time to building a PPC campaign. That’s time you could spend on sourcing new products, developing customer relationships, or doing practically anything else that helps to grow your business. And that mention of growth brings us nicely to the third reason: PPC campaigns become more challenging to manage as your company grows. You have to build more ads, track more products, and figure out how to keep new audiences.
An ecommerce PPC management solution scales along with your business. If you engage in ecommerce PPC management services from the start, your agency team will adapt and evolve your campaign as your business changes. How likely is your ecommerce business to grow in the coming years? The stats tell us that ecommerce activity is going up around the world:
Line chart comparing e-commerce sales as a share of total retail sales from 2014 to 2020 in China, UK, US, and Germany, showing China leading with 44% in 2020.

You’re in one of the world’s fastest-growing sectors. A service provider that offers PPC management services can ensure you’re in the right position to take advantage of this continued growth.

The Five Best Practices for Ecommerce PPC Management

We’ve covered why ecommerce PPC management is so effective. Next up, you need to know how we do it. At NEWMEDIA, we follow all of the best practices for ensuring your ads generate strong results for your company.

We’ve whittled our process down to five core best practices that apply to every single PPC campaign we create.

Practice No. 1

Optimize Every Aspect of the Ad

When you see a Google ad, it seems like a simple thing. There’s a header, followed by some text, and a CTA to a website’s landing page. You might think the same about a Google Shopping ad. Again, it looks simple. There’s an image, a price, and a link. However, there’s much more to a PPC ad that drives a strong ROI than these simple factors. Every element of the ad must be optimized for conversion.
What does that mean?
The ad copy has to confront a client’s pain point, showing them that you understand what they need. Any images need to be sharp, professional, and perfect demonstrations of your products. The landing page to which your ad links has to be relevant to the ad’s copy. If it isn’t, the searcher is likely to bounce away. Optimization ensures your ads cost less per click while ensuring they reach the highest volume of customers.
Practice No. 2

Extensive Keyword Researching

Hiring an ecommerce PPC management agency is supposed to save you time and effort. Nowhere is that time saving more obvious than when it comes to dealing with keywords.

Every ad your company creates targets a collection of keywords. These are the words or phrases for which your ad appears in search engines.

Ecommerce and PPC experts Databox highlight the importance of proper keyword research in this chart:

Bar graph showing the most effective ways to improve eCommerce PPC results.
Simply put, targeting the right keywords ensures your campaign’s success.
But hitting the wrong keywords means you spend a lot of money targeting people who aren’t going to buy your products.
We ensure that you’re using the right keywords for your ads while avoiding the keywords that needlessly cost your business money.
Practice No. 3

Keep Tracking the Campaign

Most PPC platforms require you to bid on how much you’re willing to pay for a click or impression. The higher your bid, the more likely your ad is to appear on the first page of results. Of course, making a lower bid means your ad appears further down.

The issue here is that many ecommerce companies overbid when paying for their ads. For example, you may bid $3 per click on an ad when you could get the same results by spending $1 per click. The result is that each click costs you three times more than it should.

Catching issues like these is why tracking your campaign is so important. NEWMEDIA constantly monitors campaigns to make bid adjustments and ad alterations based on what the data tells us.

Practice No. 4

Optimize Product Pages

It’s not just your ad copy that requires optimization. You have to optimize your product pages to ensure customers see what they expect to see after clicking on your ads.

Relevancy is vital to PPC. Forcing a customer to land on a product page that isn’t relevant to your ad usually results in them bouncing away. Furthermore, most PPC platforms punish you if your ad copy isn’t relevant to your product page copy.

For example, Google Ads gives each of your ads a Quality Score from 1-10 at the keyword level. This score takes three factors into account:

  • The ad’s expected click-through rate
  • The landing page experience you offer
  • How closely the ad copy matches the searcher’s intentThis Quality Score influences how much you pay for a click. The higher the score, the less you pay. Optimizing product pages to ensure they align with your ad copy is a crucial practice that’s designed to ensure consistency in the customer experience. It also just so happens that doing it helps you to save (and make) money.
Practice No. 5

Retarget Visitors Who Don’t Convert

We discussed retargeting ads earlier, so we won’t spend too long discussing them again here. All you need to know is that retargeting customers who click your ad only to leave your store without buying helps you to achieve more sales.

We’ll leave you with one more chart that shows why retargeting is so effective:

A table showing the lift in trademark search within 4 weeks of exposure.

These figures come from comScore, Inc., which conducted a study into the effectiveness of online display ads. The study analyzed 103 campaigns across seven industries to discover that retargeting generates a 1,046% lift in search behavior at a fairly low cost compared to premium and contextual ads.

The statistics say it all – retargeting works. That’s why we do it.

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It’s Time to Experience the


Effective ecommerce PPC management ensures you make more sales while keeping your PPC costs low. At NEWMEDIA, we’ve developed patented technology and proprietary techniques that deliver high-quality results.

Our flexible process ensures your business gets a PPC campaign that generates results, with our PPC specialists focusing on the following areas:

Using relevant keywords that attract a healthy search volume while ensuring you don’t waste money on keywords that don’t lead to conversions.
Developing engaging ads that achieve high click-through ratios (CTRs). We use great copy, attractive images, and attention-grabbing videos to make people want to click on your ads.
Creating attractive landing pages that hold your customer’s interest and make them more likely to buy from your business.
Conducting extensive data analysis and split testing to ensure your business only ever runs the most effective ads. Our tests allow us to tweak campaigns to reach even more of your target audience.
Personalizing retargeting efforts to ensure you have ads that target customers who’ve already engaged with and shown interest in your brand.

At NEWMEDIA, we provide ecommerce PPC management and creation services that handle every aspect of your campaign. If you’d like to learn more about what we can do to help your ecommerce company, get in touch with our experts to discuss your campaign.

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