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Web design in Washington DC.

Web Design
Washington DC
Government, startup, small business, mid-market, or enterprise - your Washington brand can stand out among the competition with professional web design that ranks, converts and sells.

“NEWMEDIA not only met, but greatly exceeded our goals for the project. They were incredibly responsive, quick to offer great solutions, and brought expertise we didn’t have. Their ability to think outside the box and create beautiful experiences for our customers is incredible.

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Washington D.C. Web Design Experts

Did you know that as many as 88% of e-commerce website visitors won’t revisit a website after having a poor experience? And why should they when they have almost 2 billion other websites from which to choose?

Sure, not all of those websites will cater to their specific needs or spark their interest. But even the tens of thousands of websites based in Washington, DC are enough to keep them off unappealing websites for good.

So, how can you prevent your website visitors from becoming a part of these grim statistics?

The answer is simple – make their visit enjoyable.

From appealing aesthetics and logical layout to smooth navigation and responsiveness across multiple devices, there are numerous steps Washington, DC web designers can take to make your website stand out and retain visitors.

Read on to learn more about the importance of web design and why you should entrust NEWMEDIA to take your website from ordinary to extraordinary.

Organic keywords, rankings and traffic up over 500% in under 6 months!

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Web Design | SEO+Social Digital Marketing Agency

We can craft the perfect digital strategy to grow your business, and then execute it for you to generate massive scale. And we can move much faster than you would expect.



1420 N Street NW, Suite 102 Washington, DC 20005

What Defines

Great Web Design?

People often associate great web design exclusively with aesthetics. Though this makes sense, not everyone has the same taste when it comes to visual appeal. However, the functionality and usability of a website are far less subjective. A website is either easy to use and understand or it isn’t.

Check out what your web design should look like to fall under the first category and be much more than just a pretty face.

A Clear Purpose

There’s no doubt about it – building a website can be extremely fun. With all the types of content you can insert, from texts and infographics to images and videos, it’s easy to go overboard. Before you know it, your website can overflow with unnecessary widgets, forms, and interactive elements. In such an environment, you’ll be unable to tell your website’s purpose, and a new visitor certainly won’t be able to do the same.

So, rule No.1 of efficient web design – never forget your website’s purpose.

Let’s say you run an e-commerce business. Beyond the homepage, your website should feature pages like Shop, User Account, and Shipping and Returns. Sure, you can add a Blog page to take advantage of the benefits of content marketing in e-commerce development.

But packing product pages with multimedia bells and whistles, adding features like a Guestbook, or inserting outdated news can distract the visitors from the main goal – purchasing a product.


Whenever talking about web design (and design in general), one principle always stands out – the KISS principle. The first three letters of this acronym stand for keep it simple (We’ll let you Google the fourth one on your own).

The premise is as simple as the principle. There’s no need to overcomplicate things, especially when catering to internet users who typically seek quick and intuitive experiences.

For web design, the KISS principle means using a legible typeface, avoiding design elements with no functional purpose, limiting the color scheme to five colors, and using purposeful, high-quality visuals.

Easy-to-Understand Navigation

Besides the KISS principle, professional Washington, DC web designers usually follow another somewhat similar principle: Don’t Make Me Think. Established by Steve Krug, a reputable user experience consultant, this approach advocates for intuitive and easy-to-understand site navigation.

In other words, website visitors should be able to go from Point A to Point B (and however many points in between) without any frustration or confusion.

To achieve this desirable scenario, the best web designers will make each page on your website self-explanatory, include conventional navigation tools (primary navigation at the top, secondary navigation at the bottom, and a visible search bar), and make each web page clearly interconnected.

If your customer has to dig too deep to find your contact information, returns policy, or additional information on your product(s), they’ll probably give up and click away.

Take a look at NEWMEDIA’s homepage, for instance. Everything you might need is two to three clicks away at most.


A Logical Layout

What you put on your website isn’t all that matters. It also matters how you arrange it. As many as 38% of website visitors will exit a website with an unattractive layout, so effective organization is crucial.

There are several ways top web designers can organize website content to make it appealing. For instance, a grid-based layout is a popular choice for successful websites. With this layout, all elements align, falling into a rigid grid, keeping the overall web design clean.

Another way to achieve a logical website layout is through visual hierarchy.

As its name suggests, visual elements should be arranged in order of importance. Now, this can be done in several ways, as you can see below.

Diagram showing web design principles for visual hierarchy, including composition, sizing, and font hierarchy.

The goal is to create a focal point, ensuring that visitors gravitate toward the most crucial elements first.

All-Around Consistency

In an effort to stand out in the sea of digital content, many Washington, DC website owners want to do something different and unexpected with their platforms. While uniqueness is undoubtedly vital for anything business-related, introducing a wildcard on every page can only confuse your customers.

For them to trust you, your website should be consistent from start to finish. What do we mean by this?

Well, your web design should be consistent with your overall brand identity and other graphic design elements in your digital marketing campaigns and beyond. Also, all the web pages on your website should be tied together in a way so that the customer knows what to expect every step of the way. This is especially important for pages dealing with the same subject.

Let’s say you have a FAQ section on your website. Every question-and-answer page should look similar if not entirely the same.


Sure, each listed principle plays an important role in ensuring your web design is successful and effective. But if there was one principle to prioritize above all others, it would be responsiveness. But what does responsiveness mean in the web design world?

It simply means that your website is able to adjust to the screens of different devices without sacrificing user experience or visual quality, as seen below.

Bar chart showing projected retail e-commerce revenue in the US from 2017 to 2027.

Why does this matter?

Because over 70% of web visitors cite lack of responsiveness as the reason they leave a website. And if that’s not reason enough, consider the following – half of the total internet traffic comes from mobile devices.

The takeaway is clear – if you don’t invest in responsiveness, you’ll forfeit a huge chunk of potential customers from the get-go.

Since mobile internet is so prevalent, some experienced web design companies like NEWMEDIA take a mobile-first approach when building a new website.


A well-designed website is created with users in mind. It’s as simple as that. This principle is essentially interwoven with all the other principles of excellent web design but should also be mentioned separately due to its importance.

Though your website should be user-friendly to all visitors, your target audience should be prioritized. To ensure they can easily navigate your website, you can conduct user testing, ask for feedback, and tweak your web design based on their suggestions.


As many as 75% of website visitors judge a company’s credibility based on its web design, as seen below.


Of course, this statistic primarily refers to how visitors perceive your web design. An outdated, unattractive, and poorly structured website can instantly erode trust.

But besides working on these, you should also work on the credibility of the website itself. What does this mean?

For example, you should clearly and visibly display your Washington, DC company’s information and contact details on a separate page. Also, web visitors should never have to guess what your company is all about. This just leaves room for speculation and mistrust. And finally, avoid bombarding your customers with pop-up ads, as this can only undermine your website’s credibility.

They’re incredibly professional and communicative. NEWMEDIA is definitely an expert in their field.

Molly Hall Dorais

Director of Enrollment
Colorado Rocky Mountain School

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Why Your Washington, DC Business Needs Great Web Design

As you can see, achieving great web design is no easy task. As a Washington, DC business owner, you might ask yourself whether it’s really worth it going through all these hoops to attain it. But let us dispel your doubts right away – it absolutely is! And here’s why.

Starting Off on the Right Note

Your website is your virtual front door. For your Washington, DC, business to succeed, you’ll want your customers to love what they see as soon as they step in. But unlike a brick-and-mortar store, customers will rarely look around for some time. In fact, they’ll click away in seconds if they don’t like what they see right away.

But what can a user really experience in a few seconds? They can’t read your blog posts, inform themselves about your products, or explore your brand story. But what they can do is perceive your web design. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that 94% of first impressions are related to web design, as shown in the graph below.

Infographic showing 94% of first impressions of a website are design-related.

Work on your website with a reliable Washington, DC agency, just as you would with a branding and marketing agency on your physical store, and you’ll leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Elevating Brand Identity

Whichever branding services you hire, you’ll hear one thing first: consistency is key to boosting brand awareness and recognition. If you want your Washington, DC, business to grow and become a recognizable powerhouse, prioritize brand consistency in all aspects. Of course, this includes your website as well.

Your website is one of the most powerful tools for establishing and reinforcing your brand. Since it serves as a digital storefront available 24/7, it never ceases to send a consistent brand message to a global audience, perpetually building recognition and trust.

So, make sure that your chosen Washington, DC, web design agency takes into account your brand colors, typefaces, and other graphic design elements. Coordinate them across all digital marketing channels (social media marketing, email marketing, etc.), and you’ll achieve a cohesive online presence that leaves an indelible mark on your audience’s mind.

Lending a Helping Hand With Search Engine Optimization

Your website might be visually appealing and packed with useful content, but it’s all for naught if there’s no one to see it. For your website to rise in the search engine rankings, you need one thing – Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Now, search engine optimization includes numerous factors associated with web development but not web design (technical SEO) and others that venture past your website (off-page SEO). However, web design plays a huge role in on-page SEO, which involves optimizing elements directly on your website.

By optimizing graphic design elements like images and videos and focusing on structure (from the entire website to individual content), Washington, DC web designers can help your website rank higher in search engine results. This ensures your visually stunning and content-rich website gets all the attention it deserves (from customers and search engines).

Generating Lasting Value

One of the best things about web design is that it never expires. Sure, you might need to refresh the design from time to time. After all, modern brands thrive on evolving aesthetics.

But the core value of your website and the foundation you laid with web design services persist. A high-quality website will continue generating value for years if not decades. In that sense, web design and organic traffic resulting from search engine optimization are similar since both yield unbelievable results with a relatively low initial investment.

Opening Your Business Up to the World

As a business owner, you might be perfectly content with making a name for yourself in Washington, DC only. And that’s perfectly fine. But if you happen to have global aspirations, the quality of your web design can play a pivotal role.

After all, you’re now competing against a much higher number of businesses. But get your web design right, and you’ll also attract a much higher number of customers.

Effective web design can help you convert visitors into leads, customers, and even loyal fans. Just think of it this way – who wouldn’t want to keep returning to a place where they had a wonderful time?

Why Hire a Professional

Web Design Company?

In the age of the internet, there’s almost no task you can’t tackle on your own. With lots of time, effort, and focus, you can even get the hang of web design. One Google search is all it takes to find countless WordPress development, web management, and web development tutorials. Plus, with web design templates aplenty, you can learn to create websites that look decent.

But is “decent” really a word you want to be associated with your Washington, DC business?

Professional web designers can spend over a decade learning and still have ample room for growth and evolution. With your limited exposure to the principles of web development and design, you can only scratch the surface of concepts like search engine optimization, user experience (UX) design, and conversion optimization.

Leave your web design to a Washington, DC-based digital agency, and you’ll avoid worrying about any of these concepts and reap plenty of additional benefits. Here are just some of them.

Saving Time

Let’s say that you’re adamant about creating your website on your own. You might be tech-savvy, have previous web design experience, or are simply used to handling everything regarding your Washington, DC business by yourself. Whatever the case might be, more power to you!

But the amount of time, energy, and effort you must invest into building a successful website still stands. With how much time you must spend learning about, creating, implementing, and adjusting web design, one question arises – could your time be better invested in managing your core business operations and achieving your business goals?

After all, there are numerous Washington, DC web designers who can offer quality work and build you a high-performing website. But there’s only one of you.

Having Full Control Over Your Web Design

Business owners who choose the DIY route often rely on website themes and templates to build their websites. Given how easy these are to use, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

However, using website themes and templates has numerous disadvantages.

The one that might be the most essential to a Washington, DC business owner looking to establish a recognizable brand is the lack of control over your web design. With these cookie-cutter website builders, your website will look almost identical to thousands of other websites in Washington, DC, and beyond.

With a custom design from a digital marketing agency, on the other hand, you can get a top-of-the-line, unique website where every element has its purpose. And best of all? Every element can be selected by you, down to the call-to-action button.

Guaranteeing a Better User Experience

You’ve already seen all the boxes web design has to check to ensure optimal user experience. Who do you think can check them off quicker and more successfully – you on your own or a marketing firm where every team member is trained in a wide range of digital marketing services? We’re afraid the odds are simply not in your favor.

Professional web designers will always put the user first and focus on providing them with a seamless journey through your website. All that’s left for you to do is enjoy the trust, loyalty, and revenue stemming from this pleasurable user experience.

Selecting Content Wisely

Bill Gates famously proclaimed, “Content is king.” Although said several decades ago, this still rings true, perhaps more than ever.

With high-quality content, you can attract and attain your target audience, offering them long-lasting value. For this reason, content marketing is often mentioned in the same breath as other digital marketing strategies like SEO and web design.

In web design, for instance, your chosen digital marketing agency can help you choose only the best visuals for your website. But what does “the best” mean in this regard?

It means high-quality visuals that are appropriately sized for your website. It also means using purposeful visuals that complement the overall style and elevate the written content. And perhaps most importantly, it means staying away from stock images and videos thousands of other websites use.

Hire a full-service digital marketing agency in Washington, DC, and your assigned team can help you create all types of content, as seen below.

Infographic by SEMrush displaying different content types categorized into Visual, Interactive, Video, Text, and PDF formats, such as infographics, quizzes, live events, studies, and white papers.


When talking about web design, we primarily focus on how your website looks like. And that’s perfectly understandable, as aesthetics lie at the core of web design. But web design alone can’t build you a website. You also need web development services.

But you don’t have to hire a separate web development firm. Hire a professional full-service digital agency, and you get a package deal – a beautiful and highly functional website.

The functionality and usability of your website can also make or break its success. Sure, web design is what first attracts your target audience to your website. But it’s these two factors that keep them there.

They performed stellarly. We work very cohesively together, collaboratively, and with very substantial synergy. The amount of content and creative addition that we have since contracting with NEWMEDIA is second to none.

Randall T.


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How to Choose the Perfect Web Design Company for Your Washington, DC Business

OK, you need a digital marketing agency for your web design; that much is clear. But how can you go about finding the perfect web design and development agency based in Washington, DC? We can help you with that, too. Just read on!

Let's explore.

Step 1: Look at the Marketing Agency’s Website

If you are to entrust a web design company with the important task of crafting your website, the least you can expect is for their website to stick to all the principles of great web design. Suppose your desired company’s client-facing website looks outdated, unattractive, or otherwise bad. In that case, your web design will be better off in somebody else’s hands.

Step 2: Look at the Websites the Agency Created

Anyone can boast about working with numerous clients and creating fabulous websites. One of the best ways to tell whether your chosen agency is the right fit is to check the websites they’ve made for their previous clients. One visit is all it takes to gauge whether your chosen company is all talk.

Also, this will give you an insight into how transparent your desired web design company is. For instance, NEWMEDIA offers you a handy “Case Studies” button on its front page. Click on it and browse through our extensive list of clients. Once you encounter one in a similar niche industry, you can visit its live website with a single click.

Step 3: Look for Social Proof

Online, optimism and trust can be dangerous things. So, let’s say you need more proof of what your desired web design agency can do. Well, what better proof is there than social proof?

Start by reading the user reviews and testimonials on the company’s website. Then, move to more objective platforms, like Google and social media networks. If you still want more, looking for industry awards and expert reviews should round out your assessment.

When a marketing agency has nothing to hide, all of these are readily accessible. With NEWMEDIA, for instance, one Google search is all it takes to see hundreds of glowing reviews and dozens of prestigious industry awards validating our expertise.

Step 4: Contact the Chosen Agency Directly

By now, you should be fairly confident about your choice. Still, nothing beats talking to someone from the agency directly and getting a feel for how they can meet your needs. Ensuring your Washington, DC business and your chosen digital marketing agency is a good fit from the get-go will spare you lots of trouble down the road.

What Does NEWMEDIA's Web Design Process Look Like?

When contacting your chosen digital marketing agency, one of the most important questions you can ask is what its web design process looks like. Ask this question, and you’ll know precisely how much input you will have throughout the entire project and how well the agency’s approach aligns with your expectations.

Take a peek at NEWMEDIA’s web design process, and you’ll instantly see whether it matches your vision and needs (Spoiler alert – it almost certainly does!).

Stage 1: Planning

Like with any digital strategy, we begin by understanding your business goals and establishing a timeline and budget for the project. We also dig deep to understand what it is that you truly want your web design to capture. After a few technicalities (e.g., signing a contract), we move on to the fun part.

Stage 2: Web Design

Inspired by your input, our web designers set out to create your website’s overall look and feel. Since we want you to be in the loop every step of the way and feel as if you’re working with an in-house team, we’ll share all the wireframes, mockups, and prototypes with you before moving on to the web development phase.

Stage 3: Web Development

The web development stage is where your desired website actually takes shape. This is the most technical and the most important stage in creating a website and involves lots of tinkering with its front and back ends.

Stage 4: Quality Testing

Illustration of a desktop computer displaying a video with a speedometer gauge, representing video performance testing.

At NEWMEDIA, we follow the so-called TETO principle: test early, test often. To ensure your website operates error-free, we test it all along, emphasizing the final testing before launch.

Stage 5: Launch

Once we’re certain your website is flawless, we’ll launch it for the world to see. Depending on our agreement, this can be a “soft launch,” with no bells and whistles, or an elaborate, grand launch complete with promotional strategies.

Stage 6: Maintenance

Our job doesn’t end with the launch. By constantly monitoring your website and tweaking it as needed, we ensure its optimal performance over time.

NEWMEDIA: The Perfect Full-Service Digital Agency for Your Washington, DC Business

NEWMEDIA is a full-service digital agency founded in 1996. Since our very inception, we’ve been committed to offering exceptional web solutions to businesses of all sizes and industries. We’re results-driven, growth-oriented, and dedicated to exceeding client expectations. Give our award-winning web design a try, and experience this firsthand.

Contact us at 202-600-4990 or [email protected] or visit our beautiful offices at 1420 N Street NW, Suite 102, Washington, DC 20005, and let’s reshape your digital future.


Choose NEWMEDIA as Your Digital Marketing Company

Top digital marketing agencies provide several different services in a single package. NEWMEDIA delivers digital marketing services holistically, fulfilling various roles simultaneously.

But don’t just take our word for it

Our Recognitions Speak for Themselves


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Digital Agency in the United States


ranks NEWMEDIA a Top 1% Global Leader Digital Agency.


ranked NEWMEDIA's work the #2 Global Award Winner (and they ranked Twitter #3).

​The Inc. 5000

ranks NEWMEDIA among its fastest-growing companies, 4 years in a row.
Don't be confused by the many imitators, with names that look and sound alike - there is only one, original NEWMEDIA.COM - helping clients grow their businesses since 1996.

Our experts will take care of tasks that would otherwise require you to hire multiple other companies, including:

  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Software development company
  • Content marketing
  • Creative agency
  • Consulting firm
  • Email marketing
  • Paid media
  • Public relations
  • Social media marketing

At NEWMEDIA, we work closely with our clients to find their ideal target audiences and help small businesses generate leads and achieve their business goals. Our digital services can change your company’s performance and significantly increase revenue.

We use a data-driven approach and listen closely to client feedback to provide full service and cover a broad range of digital marketing jobs.

Our Past Projects

Our Esteemed Clientele

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of clients of all sizes from a range of industries for website designing and redesigning projects. Some of our clients include:

Delta Sky Club

The new Delta Sky Club website portal, designed and developed from scratch by NEWMEDIA, allows Delta passengers who go online in any of their Sky Club lounges across the U.S. to quickly get news, weather & stock market information, in addition to tracking flights on any airline (not just Delta!), searching directly in Google, and getting maps and driving directions to/from any address on Earth.

California Almonds

NEWMEDIA Los Angeles, in collaboration with Sterling-Rice Group (SRG), built a new website for the Almond Board of California under an aggressive development timeline. We built a multi-language website for them while ensuring a consistent user experience by bringing all four existing websites into a single universal system. Our team of experts delivered this mammoth project even after the deadline was shortened by four weeks.

Six Flags

The Six Flags team reached out to NEWMEDIA for a complete website redesign and multi-site ecommerce web development. We redesigned the website to change its complete look and feel and organized content into categories and subcategories to simplify content discovery for visitors. Over the course of the project, we worked in close coordination with the Six Flags team to deliver the website quickly before their parks reopened.


PostNet approached us to completely redesign all their websites, including those of franchisees. We developed a fresh responsive website for them to offer a consistent browsing experience to visitors irrespective of the screen size of the device they use to access the website. Additionally, we developed a tool to help visitors find their nearest PostNet center. Finally, we designed the 300+ franchise websites for them with local SEO and franchise SEO.

YMCA (The Y)

YMCA (now “The Y”) is an organization that we’ve all heard of and/or been a part of at one time in our lives. YMCA of Metro Denver came to us for a fresh website design that would communicate their mission of being for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Even more exciting, they had just had a brand refresh and this was the chance to support that refresh with a complementary website.


When CBS Television was producing the show that came to be called Haystack Help, they needed a complex yet easy to use website application to direct the TV viewers to visit, and their search for a Denver website developer led them to NEWMEDIA. Initially, prior to contacting NEWMEDIA, they had selected another web development partner for the project. Then, there was a problem…



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Best of all, NEWMEDIA is available locally for your Washington, DC, business. Unlike other digital agencies that offer virtual support to nationwide customers, NEWMEDIA has an actual office in Washington, DC. If you want to work with the best digital marketing agencies in Washington, DC, get in touch with NEWMEDIA today.

You can reach us by phone at 202-600-4990 or email us at [email protected]. Our office is located at 1420 N Street NW, Suite 102, Washington, DC 20005, just southwest of Logan Circle.



1420 N Street NW, Suite 102 Washington, DC 20005