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DrupalCon 2012 – Dries’ Keynote Published

DrupalCon 2012 was amazing. Not only was NEWMEDIA! honored to be the largest sponsor in Colorado and the multi-state region, as befits our position within the industry overall, but it was also the largest DrupalCon event ever held.

Lots of press, some amazing presentations and working sessions, and the Keynotes were fantastic.  From the Drupal Association itself:

“In the course of five days we rocked 3 amazing Keynotes, 103 Sessions, 14 Pre-Conference Trainings, over 150 BOFs, and blew it out of the water with over 3,100 attendees!  For those keeping track, we beat San Francisco’s recorded count – woot!”

Dries Buytaert, president of the Drupal Association and the original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source Web publishing platform gave the Keynote on Day 1, where he presented a compelling, highly informative and objective view of the state of Drupal today, where we’re going, and what the next steps are for the industry.  If you’re seriously considering migrating to Drupal on an Enterprise scale, or even if you have a more moderate-level project to undertake, you really should watch this video: