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Drupal PCI Compliance White Paper: Version 1.1 Released!

Version 3.0 of the PCI compliance standard becomes mandatory on January 1st, 2015 and will be a complete game changer for most Drupal eCommerce...

DrupalCamp Colorado: My “Crossing the Rubicon” Moment

Contributing to and interacting with the Drupal community isn't as scary or as daunting as you might think. My advice—take the plunge by attending...

Drush Make: Don’t Store What is Stored

In the devops community the standard process is to allow other repos store what is theirs, and let your repo store what is yours....

No Man is an Island

At NEWMEDIA, we pride ourselves on our ability to collaborate and work as a team. It is this mentality that has gotten us to where we are today and will"

Twig: Extending Drupal Templates

This is the first part of a series on Twig and how to use it in Drupal 8. This blog will discuss how to extend templates using blocks and complicated

Partial to Partials: BoF Recap

At DrupalCon, I held a session about the organization of partials. @johnalbin and @sungug were kind enough to make an appearance and impart some of their

2014 DevOps Report and DrupalCon

This week: 2014 DevOps Report and DrupalCon This week I have been attending DrupalCon. This is my first DrupalCon and I am impressed by the inclusiveness

DrupalCon Austin: My First Con!

My first impression is extremely positive. There is something for everybody and, as always, I am blown away by the amazing collaboration and support...

Deploying a Drupal Site from a Chef Role

With a properly setup Chef repository and server, managing Drupal application deployments becomes a simple exercise of managing the subset of metadata