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2014 DevOps Report and DrupalCon

This week: 2014 DevOps Report and DrupalCon

This week I have been attending DrupalCon. This is my first DrupalCon and I am impressed by the inclusiveness of the Drupal community and the prospect of the release of Drupal 8. I have been enjoying interacting with many of the people that I have meet. Since my passion is operational efficiencies and the application of infrastructure as code, I have been asking about peoples pain around deployments and how different solutions can help address their issues. For me a lot of it comes down to process and culture. Two things this week relate to some of the pain that people have been sharing (many of them are around improving deployments and change management). The first is a talk from Kevin Bridges about the THE STATE OF DRUPAL DEVOPS and the second is the release of puppetlabs’ 2014 DevOps Report. Both the report and the presentation are overflowing with data points. The matra of CAMS (Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing) continues to ring true in my mind and the fact that if we are to accomplish true efficacies and process improvements it needs to be done together in an open way via sharing with the community. This is something that to date I feel the Druapl community has done very well.

There is a lot to pull from these two things and I am sure as time goes on I will be revisiting them to dissect and Grok as much as I can. I really like many of the datapoints from the puppet labs report certainly the first two that they list:

  • Companies with high-performing IT organizations are twice as likely to exceed their profitability, market share and productivity goals.
  • IT performance improves with DevOps maturity, and strongly correlates with well-known DevOps practices.

Good things afoot this week!!