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Drupal Migrate: Importing Images

I recently spent quite a bit of time with our friend the Migrate module. Along the way I picked up a few nuggets of knowledge that may save somebody out

Accessing Field Values in Drupal 7 Using field_get_items()

There are two great ways I've found to quickly access an entity's field values in a Drupal-friendly way. Both of these approaches assume that you know the

Improve Your SEO By Linking Your Content to Your Google+ Profile

Anyone trying to establish a online presence is always trying to improve their search engine rankings against the dozens, hundreds, or thousands of other...

Improving Drupal Development, Deliverables, and Dependability with Selenium Testing

I detest monkey work and I’ll do anything I can to avoid it. I attribute this intense, emotional reaction to a job I had at...

Kaiser Permanente Launches New Drupal Site with NEWMEDIA

NEWMEDIA partnered with Kaiser Permanente to design, develop and deploy (and host) its new employee intranet, built on Drupal, using Organic Groups, serving the...

Phoenix Children’s Hospital opts for Drupal over Convio

Phoenix Children's Hospital has provided hope, healing and the best healthcare for children and families since 1983. Today, Phoenix Children's is goes Drupal, and Mobile, with NEWMEDIA

Six Flags Entertainment Corp. is the world's largest amusement park corporation based on quantity of properties, and the fifth most popular in terms of

Porter Robotics & Centura Health choose NEWMEDIA

As the first comprehensive robotic surgery program in Denver and the Rocky Mountain region the Porter Robotics Institute (PRI), at Porter Adventist Hospital, performs...

Securitas Enhances Security with NEWMEDIA

Securitas is a global security services monitoring, consulting and investigation group, based in Stockholm, Sweden