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Beautiful Fonts for the Web

You may not know it, but something amazing has happened over the past few years in regards to the web and typography. I know that fonts may not be the

SASS Partials and The Problems Surrounding Them

When doing front end work on a project that you are new to, there is often the question of what theme is being used and back in the old day, how is the

Improving Drupal Development, Deliverables, and Dependability with Selenium Testing

I detest monkey work and I’ll do anything I can to avoid it. I attribute this intense, emotional reaction to a job I had at... goes Drupal, and Mobile, with NEWMEDIA

Six Flags Entertainment Corp. is the world's largest amusement park corporation based on quantity of properties, and the fifth most popular in terms of

Securitas Enhances Security with NEWMEDIA

Securitas is a global security services monitoring, consulting and investigation group, based in Stockholm, Sweden