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NEWMEDIA decided to have a team BBQ potluck lunch in the office on October 9th and I think we will be doing more considering how well this one turned out.

Thanks to Kevin and Brad who provided the delicious smoked brisket and smoked salmon as well as the idea to do a BBQ in the first place! The rest of the team brought in scrumptious soups, salads, sides, vegetarian options and tasty desserts to make the whole event come together. It was definitely nice to unplug for an hour and eat and relax with the team. As we are expanding our team, this was a great opportunity for our newest team members to get to know some of our veteran folks. The great thing about working at NEWMEDIA is that everyone contributes to the good time and participates in the fun we have. Without this teamwork and employee engagement, the BBQ would not have turned out nearly as well as it did. A great way to celebrate the fall season and eat some wonderful home cooked meals was one of the highlights of the week.

Brad Bowman and Kevin Bridges
NEWMEDIA team enjoying BBQ