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Drupal PCI Compliance White Paper: Version 1.1 Released!

Version 3.0 of the PCI compliance standard becomes mandatory on January 1st, 2015 and will be a complete game changer for most Drupal eCommerce...

DrupalCamp Colorado: My “Crossing the Rubicon” Moment

Contributing to and interacting with the Drupal community isn't as scary or as daunting as you might think. My advice—take the plunge by attending...

Working Through a Mixin: Part 2

In the previous post we setup a mixin that lets us create component layout styles where we can define how many components per row we want and how wide we


A step-by-step guide for working through the process of building a reusable Sass mixin. Part one of a two-part article: Working Through a Mixin: Part

Rems in Chrome: A Small Problem

Rems (Relative ems) are an awesome way of sizing text without using pixels. But there is an issue with rendering them in Chrome, which makes text wonky as

Logo Size: Please stop.

A logo for a company is important, but it is not your site! A lot of people feel that their logo is the most important...

Drush Make: Don’t Store What is Stored

In the devops community the standard process is to allow other repos store what is theirs, and let your repo store what is yours....

No Man is an Island

At NEWMEDIA, we pride ourselves on our ability to collaborate and work as a team. It is this mentality that has gotten us to where we are today and will"

Twig: Extending Drupal Templates

This is the first part of a series on Twig and how to use it in Drupal 8. This blog will discuss how to extend templates using blocks and complicated