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Hexadecimal to rgba Conversion with Sass

If you like using hexadecimal number formats over rgb, but also like the 'a' in rgba, then you may want to consider using the Sass rgba function. The

Hexadecimal to rgba Conversion with Sass

If you like using hexadecimal number formats over rgb, but also like the 'a' in rgba, then you may want to consider using the...

Denver Drupal: Leading Way to Expand your Business

With the emergence of latest development technologies in the web development segment, various web based firms are evolving at the pacing need. As the

Value Your Investment while Hiring SEO Services

As you have developed the website and make it ready for the market platform to showcase your products and services for sale but left the online marketing


Last September we started working with Denver Rescue Mission to launch the first phase of their website redesign project, and the results have been

Setting Up and Locking Down Secure Pages for Drupal

Any Drupal website that deals with sensitive data (e.g. credit cards, medical records, etc) should have an SSL connection enabled in order to encrypt the

Beautiful Fonts for the Web

You may not know it, but something amazing has happened over the past few years in regards to the web and typography. I know that fonts may not be the

Drupal DevOps Meetup Moved

On Thursday, September 19 NEWMEDIA will be hosting a meetup at our offices in Downtown Denver. This meetup will be focused on DevOps. We will begin by

SASS Partials and The Problems Surrounding Them

When doing front end work on a project that you are new to, there is often the question of what theme is being used and back in the old day, how is the